Through dedicated support, we can impart knowledge, foster creativity, and preserve cultural heritage.
We can showcase, share, celebrate, research, and preserve our unique collection thanks to private engagement.
With private support, we can research, restore, and preserve artworks for future generations.
Great art needs visionary supporters. Your donation counts too.

Experiencing and Promoting Art Together

Donation Account

CH10 0483 5063 8409 0100 0

Account holder:
Zürcher Kunstgesellschaft
8024 Zürich

Donations to the Kunsthaus Zürich are tax-exempt.

No prince, no state, no collector: The Kunsthaus Zürich was founded by a small, sociable circle of artists and lovers who met regularly for mutual support since 1787. Today, this engagement is continued by foundations, sponsors, and patrons. Thanks to them, the Kunsthaus can showcase art that excites, touches, and challenges, expands our views and perspectives, and inspires with its uniqueness and power. We look forward to your engagement as a patron for our work. For an overview of support opportunities and a consultation, please contact the head of our Partnerships and Philanthropy department:


Contact for Donors and Partners

Elke Wiebalck
Head of Partnerships and Philanthropy

+41 44 253 84 37