‘Fountain’, a urinal that was declared to be a work of art in 1917, is perhaps the best-known conceptual object of the 20th century. Signed ‘R. Mutt’, it was submitted anonymously to an exhibition by the Society of Independent Artists in New York; since then, everyday objects can be ‘readymades’ and qualify as art too. Marcel Duchamp (1887–1968) claimed authorship of the work. However, there are rumours that it was not he who masterminded it but rather the Dada artist Elsa von Freytag-Loringhoven (1874–1927).

Alreadymade – Between Fact and Fiction


Collection PLUS ticket: CHF 24.–/17.–* (entry to the Collection + Emil Bührle)
*concessions and groups

Free admission for members and under the age of 14.

Note for groups

We look forward to welcoming you to the Kunsthaus. For organizational reasons, prior registration is required. info@kunsthaus.ch, +41 44 253 84 84

The film ‘Alreadymade’ (2023), which forms the basis for Visser’s site-specific installation, is an alternative whodunnit that explores the boundaries between genuine and fake. ‘Fountain’ is the starting point of the artist and film-maker’s investigation into the speculation surrounding Duchamp’s authorship. Adopting the readymade approach, she produces the work from existing material: found film footage from which she creates her own moving images, employing new technologies such as motion capture and meta-human modelling. The result is not an art-historical documentation; rather, the mix of existing and newly created material serves as a reflection on such fundamental questions as ‘what is reality, and what is fake?’ Who is the author? What is an original and what is a copy?

Still from: Barbara Visser, Alreadymade, 2023 © Barbara Visser / Tomtit Film & VPRO
Still from: Barbara Visser, Alreadymade, 2023 © Barbara Visser / Tomtit Film & VPRO
Still from: Barbara Visser, Alreadymade, 2023 © Barbara Visser / Tomtit Film & VPRO
Still from: Barbara Visser, Alreadymade, 2023 © Barbara Visser / Tomtit Film & VPRO
Still from: Barbara Visser, Alreadymade, 2023 © Barbara Visser / Tomtit Film & VPRO Work: Marcel Duchamp, Fountain, 1917 © Association Marcel Duchamp / 2023, ProLitteris, Zurich
Still from: Barbara Visser, Alreadymade, 2023 © Barbara Visser / Tomtit Film & VPRO
Still from: Barbara Visser, Alreadymade, 2023 © Barbara Visser / Tomtit Film & VPRO

Where is the exhibition located?

At the Moser-Building 1st floor, see our interactive visitor guide!

Barbara Visser is a visual conceptual artist, director and documentary film-maker. Born in the Netherlands, she studied at the Gerrit Rietveld Academy Amsterdam and the Van Eyck Academie in Maastricht. Most of her projects, which take the form of photographs, films, prints, texts or performances, investigate the uncertain relationship between registration and dramatization, play with notions of original and copy, and explore the ways in which history and memory are shaped by the individual and society. Visser’s works have been shown at film festivals and exhibitions around the world. She currently heads the ‘F for Fact’ master’s programme at the Sandberg Institute in Amsterdam. ‘Alreadymade’ is the artist’s first solo exhibition at an art museum in Switzerland.

Supported by the Ernst and Olga Gubler-Hablützel Foundation and Mondriaan Fonds.


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Ill.: Exhibition view, Photo ©Sara Carla Nenzi